Monday, March 8, 2010

177 days

I was checking my email tonight before crawling into bed for what will be my last night in Sri Lanka; suddenly a little Mac dialogue box popped up from the corner of my screen informing me that I have not backed up my computer in 177 days.

I left my backup hard drive in Toronto after backing up my computer just before hopping aboard the plane that would wisk me away to first international adventure.  Apparently, that was 177 days ago. 

When I was about 100 days (4ish months) in, I was convinced I wouldn't last a week longer.  Somewhere around that time I remember actually taking out a calendar and counting down how many days I had until I flew out.  I laugh now, to think about how quickly those days have vanished.  It is funny to think about: one day time seems to drag on, threatening to slip into reverse for its seeming lack of momentum.  And then: BOOM! Its over.  I am at the finish.  The adventure has concluded.  

The dichotomy of those feelings quite accurately expresses a lot about my time here.  Time has been a drag, time has been a blur.  One moment loving it, another moment hating it.  One event teaches me some of the most profound things I have ever been taught, another event has torn it all apart in little pieces and left my utterly confused.  But in all these things, time has moved on.  In all things, I have progressed.  My emotions have swung to the limits of the pendulum's swing and everywhere in between, but I can still say that it has been good - not always easy, but always good.  177 days on the complete opposite side of the world, 35 000 km from home has ROCKED my world.  I have often thought about the ridiculous nature of this self-imposed adventure: to discover the intricacies of my own culture by experiencing a culture miles away (figuratively and literally) from my own.  That was the entire goal!  And I was going to achieve it by simply living with a family - that was my entire plan!  In hindsight, I was completely unprepared and incredibly naive.  But, I have seen God's goodness and grace in the amazing ways he has protected me and taught me while I embarked on this ridiculous quest.  I guess its a minor miracle (if miracles can be classified as minor) that I did make it through these 177 days! 

Praise the Lord for his goodness!  Day 178: Back to Canada....


jerlight said...

Welcome back to Canada!

Mark Petersen said...

Love this... thanks for posting David.