Monday, September 14, 2009

free to comment

I have officially arrived in Kandy Sri Lanka!  Flight came in at 4:15 a.m, went through customs no problem (which I am sure is a great relief to all of you who thought I would be strip searched for drugs on account of my hair) and then began the three hour windy drive to Kandy with Chaminda, my host/pastor/uncle (apparently in Sri Lankan culture I am his nephew we are related and I am younger than him, which makes him my uncle).  I am just writing a quick post to let you know that I changed my settings so that anyone can leave comments now.  I wasn't aware that I had it set otherwise.  So, comment away!  Just make sure you fill in your name when you comment so I know who it is from.  Ok, I am going to try to sleep off some jet lag.  I will do a full update as soon as my mind joins my body in this time zone.


Mom said...

Grandma K will be relieved to know that you arrived without any kinds of issues! Glad to know that you are there. What is an international flight like, besides long? Watch any good movies? Any cute flight attendants?!? Anyway, take care and have a good rest! Praying for you everyday. Love Dad and Mom

Trevor said...

Eh Dave Man!Im glad they didnt find the drugs you had smuggled in via your hair. That could have got ugly.... so there will be a guy meeting you on the corner of 5th and Main, he will have a maroon leather briefcase and be wearing a red leisure suit. He will ask you one question, "How is the new Thrice album, Beggars?" to which you reply "Freaking amazing!" That way you will know he is your man. Give him the drugs and wire the money to me at this Swiss Bank account 99773-7573-990111. you do good work.

Anyways.... enough of me making up crazy stuff, I'm glad to hear your you made it ok and enjoy this experience of a lifetime that you have set out before you. I will check this out to see whats happening with you, but we will figure out a better time and way to chat too, maybe I will need to invest in skype (total cost, 0 dollars, Canadian funds) which I could use that drug money for. Thanks.


Kyle said...

Dave I miss you and love you. I tested the waffle-maker last night and she still works like a charm. I don't think I will be as good of a waffle-master as you but I will try and make you proud. Also, your shoes are still on the wire looking very nice. LMD.


Sid said...

Hey bro!
You need to know I am praying for you and super proud of you my friend. God bless you.

Carolyn said...

Hello David!

Good to hear that you have arrived safely and great to hear your enthusiasm for all the 'shifts' that will take place in your life over the next few weeks. I admire your courage and passion. I am a person who very much dislikes change...I'm sure that it would take me years to adjust and enjoy! I'm sure your enthusiasm will help make your experience even that much more worthwhile! Until later, we will pray that things will go smoothly for you over the next week or so, and that you are able to adjust to some major jet lag! We are looking forward to hearing your stories! I'm very interested in the food and what you have to eat! Hope you like spices!
God bless!
Carolyn and Terry

mediwake said...

Great to hear from you and know of your safe arrival. Already you have experienced travel in Sri Lanka in your drive from Colombo to Kandy. Hope you get over the jet lag quickly.

jbomh031 said...

I'm very excited for you. Enjoy it all, especially the language barrier, which makes even the simply things a challenge. Post pictures when you can too. cheers

jerlight said...

Yay! I'm praying for you. You are one my heroes because you are taking risks and investing your life in something that is absolutely worth it. I pray that you will learn a tonne and burn brightly with the glory of Christ.

My word verification: desque. Is that a fancy french desk?

U Weet Wat said...

Hi David.
Glad to know you arrived safely. How do you like curry for breakfast?
Super proud of you for making the trek--the triplets miss you.."shake shake unshakeable you"
Love you lots
Uncle Doc & Auntie Anne-Marie

Nadine Crain said...

Hey Dave, if you have itunes working out there... not sure if you will or not... but if you do remember to check out francis chans podcast "cornerstone simi". It will be an ecouragement to you, I promise!

1,2,3,...5 haha


hendrik said...

hello david

glad u are safe arrived
hope you have a good time
we will pray for you

hendrik en nel

Mervyn Mediwake said...


I have been so busy out here I have not been able to visit Granma & Granpa K and I am leaving to go back to Oakville in about 10 minutes. I promise you- I will visit them on my next trip in about 10 days and to reassure her that you will be ok!!!!!! out there.Hope you have settled in to Local routines & life.

Tammy Morison said...

Hey Dave,
I'm glad to hear you arrived safely. I love that I get to experience your adventure vicariously through your blog.

You have such a great attitude. You really are inspiring.
I'm sure you will face challenges while you are there so I just want to encourage you with this verse:

Matthew 6:7-8 "And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, FOR YOUR FATHER KNOWS WHAT YOU NEED BEFORE YOU ASK HIM." (sorry, I didn't mean to sound like I was shouting but I didn't know how to underline). :)

Take care my friend.